Thursday, October 15, 2009

Into The Swing of Things

Ever had a lot to say, but nowhere to start? I know that sounds like an oxymoron - how can someone have a lot to say but no where to start, doesn't that itself imply one has nothing to say? because if one has something to say then one should just come out and say it... WELL here it is...


Not in your average typical girl "i-dont-weigh-as-much-as-a-supermodel-weighs-so-i-must-be-fat." way but as a real descriptor of my body. I am five foot six and three quarters and somewhere in the neighborhood of 250lbs, about two years ago after having lost over a 100lbs i broke my foot and gained approximately half of what I had lost back. crappy, I know.

Anyhow unlike your typical fat girl I dont feel sorry for myself. I dont have any pressing self esteem issues and well over all I thought my life was going well until about two weeks ago, I mean until about two weeks ago I was happily moseying along enjoying my full fat cheese and skim lattes believing that eventually, if I ate healthy and treated myself right, in time I would either end up skinnier or well if not that would be okay too. I had what I thought was a boyfriend who was attracted to me for who I was, a wonderful support system and a blooming academic career. Then just like anything else that is going extraordinarily well it all came crashing down.

my idyllic world shattered by my boyfriend issuing pretty much an ultimatum get "get healthy or I walk"

Im not going to lie it really hurt to hear those words, my initial reaction was to tell him to take a hike, but after contemplating what he said, the context he said it under and what he means to me, I have decided to take it as part of my motivation to do what I have been trying to do for years. lead a healthy life style.

So heres to the beginning of my healthy life style.

Curvy Canuck